The Twists and Turns of the Bounce Back Loan Scheme in 2023 – A Year of BBL Madness in Review – The Best and Worst Bits of the BBL Scheme Over the Last 12 Months

As we start to steam into 2024, today I want to take a look at some of the “highlights” of the Bounce Back Loan Scheme in 2023.

As you are probably more than aware, I follow the twists and turns of that scheme quite avidly, as there is always something outrageous uncovered as each day, week, and month passes us by.

Each day I do of course update the website and list anyone and everyone who has been hit with a Bankruptcy Restrictions Order or a Director Disqualification for Bounce Back Loan wrongdoing, and in the following section of the website you will find details of 1800+ wayward Bounce Back Loans uncovered and reported by Insolvency Practitioners and the punishments handed out.

Take a Look >

However, below you will discover a month by month breakdown of some of, how can I put this, the more juicier or shocking aspects of the BBL Scheme, some of which may have missed.

Keep in mind that one of Mrs Sunak’s “investments” has defaulted on a Bounce Back Loan and her other “investments” have shafted the taxpayer on plenty of other Government backed schemes, and the parents of the Princess of Wales have defaulted on CBILs loan too, so do not be worrying if you cannot afford to repay your BBL, you are not alone, and remember my helpline is available if you want a chat.

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January 2023

NEW FLASH – The Tribunal Decision to Name Everyone with a Bounce Back Loan Has Just Been Published, Read the Verdict

Not Repaying Their Bounce Back Loan After Receiving a CBILS as Required to by the Rules of those Two Schemes Sees Co-Directors Given a 7 Year and 6 Year Disqualification

Two People Carted Off in the Back of a Bounce Back Loan Door Kicker Police Squad Van in Connection with a Whopping £1.8million Dodgy Bounce Back Loan Applications Investigation

£320million in Bounce Back Loans No Longer Have the Government Guarantee Attached to Them

NatWest Turn a Customers Bounce Back Loan Into a Standard Non-BBL Business Loan With No Government Guarantee and No PAYG Options – Ombudsman Says That’s Perfectly Fine

HM Treasury, the British Business Bank and the Department of Business, Energy, and Industrial Strategy Release a Statement on the “Lessons They Have Learnt” from the Bounce Back Loan and Other Covid Loan Schemes

February 2023

Hendon Based Man Locked Up For 3 Years for Amongst Other Things Supplying and Possession of Articles for Use in Fraud Including Bounce Back Loan Fraud

Lord Agnew Joins a Bounce Back Loan Bounty Hunting Type Firm That Offers Their Services to Banks Wishing to Locate Their Wayward BBLs!

March 2023

The Public Accounts Committee Confirm What Everybody Knew Regarding Support for SME’s During the Pandemic “Several Million Who Needed It Received No Support”, Rishi Sunak States “Lots of the Excluded Were Probably Not Conservatives in the First Place”

Man Claims He Was Approached on a Building Site and Offered £2k in Cash to Become a Director of a Company Which Went on to Blag £30k in Business Support Grants and a £50k Bounce Back Loan, He Has Just Been Given a 6 Year Ban

The Inside Story of a Crime Gang That Stole Millions of Pounds in Bounce Back Loans Featuring the National Crime Agency, Lord Agnew, and Me!

So You Have Missed 3 Bounce Back Loan Repayments, Received the Demand for Full Repayment and Default Letters, 12 Months Later the Lenders Nominated Debt Collector Has Given Up Trying to Contact You, What Happens Now?

April 2023

NatWest Bank Boss Explains What Happens if You Do Not Engage with them Regarding Repaying a Bounce Back Loan and They Suspect BBL Fraud

Reminder – The Powers That Be Are Turning a Blind Eye If You Over-Egged Your Business Turnover by No More Than 25% Over and Above the Permitted 25% Turnover Figure

Conister Bank Tell a Bounce Back Loan Customer Unable to Repay His BBL They Used a Private Investigator to “Confirm His Employment Status” The P.I. Said Its To Simply “Trace Them” – What’s Going On?

Customer Complains That Due to Barclays Messing Her About She Missed Out on a BBL and is Awarded £500, She Refuses and Demands £200,000 the Ombudsman Increases it to £1000 and Says That is All You Are Getting

Santander Snatch Money from a Company Directors Personal Bank Account to Repay a BBL, Ombudsman Say Tough, You Weren’t Eligible for that BBL in the First Place and Transferred that Money From Your Business Account Anyway

Distressing Case in Which a Lady Was the Victim of Domestic Abuse and Her Abuser Applied for a Co-Operative Bank BBL in Her Name, Sadly the Ombudsman Says There is Nothing He Can Do

NatWest Ordered to Write Off a Bounce Back Loan as Ombudsman Decides They Told a Company Director to Clear a Debt with the Bank by Applying for a BBL Even Though His Business Wasn’t Trading and Was About to be Struck Off

Four People Arrested in London and Bedfordshire by the Bounce Back Loan Door-Kicking Police Squad Investigating a £1.3million BBL Scam

Ombudsman Tells HSBC to Stop Lying About Company Directors Being Personally Liable for a Bounce Back Loan and Pay £150 to a Customer They Said That To

HM Treasury Asked Will They Be Selling Off the BBL Loan Book – They Respond They Hold “Guarantees Not Loans”

Another Company Director Locked Up for 12 Months Almost 3 Years After Over-Egging His Business Turnover to Get a £50k, Transferring the Money to His Personal Bank Account then Getting His Company Dissolved

With a Santander Not Willing to Fund an Investigation as to Where a £25k Bounce Back Loan Went After a Company Director Blagged That BBL a Director Gets Banned for 11 Years But Does Generously Repay £1

Chief Investigator at the Insolvency Service Says She Will Not Hesitate to Prosecute Anyone Who Blagged a BBL and Breached the Companies Act as a Company Director Gets a 26 Week Suspended Prison Sentence and Community Service

20 Month Suspended Prison Sentence and 300 Hours of Unpaid Work for Over-Egging Turnover to Get a £50k BBL, Dissolving His Company and for Trying, But Being Unsuccessful in Blagging a Second BBL

The Public Accounts Committee Get Their Underwear in a Twist and Are Fuming That Nothing Much is Being Done About BBL Fraud and Hint that Banks Are Claiming on the Guarantees With “Gay Abandon” (Which They Are of Course)

Due to One Bank Not Being Bothered to Check the Shared Industry Database a Company Director Gets Away with Blagging Two BBL’s Leaving Both Unpaid at Liquidation, He Has Just Been Given a 12 Year Ban

Insight Into How Liquidators Are Obliged to Compile a Confidential Report Which Determines If a Director Will Get a Ban and Be Subject to Any Proceedings to Pay Anything Back When Taking the Insolvency Route With a BBL Still Owing

Despite Very Clearly and in Big the Santander Website Saying “Estimates Can Be Used” the Ombudsman Tosses Out a Complaint That Bank Demanded Back a Customer’s BBL Back for Using an Estimate – “You Should Have Read the Small Print”

For Becoming Director of a Dormant Company, Enduring the Starling Bank BBL Waiting List Then Finally Blagging a £25K BBL From Them Having Not Traded and Using It for Personal Spending a Director is Given a 10 Year

Another Bounce Back Loan Bad Boy Sentenced, This Time By Willesden Magistrates Court to Six Months in Prison Suspended for 18 Months

Why The Sudden Influx of One Time Company Directors Being Locked Up For Bounce Back Loan Wrongdoing? Read When, Why and How You Run the Very Real Risk of Being Carted Off to Prison For BBL Wrongdoing

The Person Responsible for Structuring the New Law That Makes It Easier to Prosecute Those Who Skanked a BBL Using the Now Closed Loophole to Get Off Repaying Explains All


Here is One of the Companies That Barclays Recently Got Wound Up in the High Court with the Help of the “Bounty Hunting” Firm Lord Agnew has Become the Face Of

Man Complains That His Wife Applied for a Bounce Back Loan Using His Bank Account, She Sadly Died Shortly Afterwards, the Ombudsman Decides Lloyds Bank Should Reduce the BBL Debt by Half

Starling Close a Customer’s Account, Send Him a Cheque for the Balance, Cancel the Cheque and Use it to Repay a BBL They Subsequently Default Him On, the Ombudsman Says Have £100 Compensation for the Cheque Incident But As for the Default, That’s Their Right

What Happens When You Are In Limbo After Defaulting on a BBL and Your Company Dissolution/Strike Off Has Been Blocked by BEIS?

View a Copy of the Bounce Back Loan Guarantee Agreement Your Lender Signed Alongside the Secretary of State to Ensure They Get Their Money Back if You Default On Your BBL

The Bounce Back Loan Guarantees Portal Manual for Bounce Back Loans – Discover the Information Entered Onto and Held on That Portal

Litigation Funder Obtains a Judgement Order of Over £58k in the High Court of Justice Against a Company Director Banned for 12 Years for All Manner of Skulduggery including Getting a BBL Months After His Business Had Ceased Trading

Barclays Granted Another High Court Order to Wind Up a Company Whose Director Blagged a Bounce Back Loan from Them and Transferred it to Himself Resulting in Him Being Given an 11 Year Ban

How the Bounce Back Loan Bounty Hunting Firm Linked to Lord Agnew Purchased an Outstanding £38k Director Loan Account from a NatWest BBL Defaulter’s Liquidator

The Mystery of 40+ Bounce Back Loan is Unfolding – You May be Sat There Worrying About Your One Unaffordable BBL, Well Imagine Having Over Forty of Them

The Mother and Father of the Princess of Wales and Their Defaulted £220,000 CBILs

Facts and Figures Related to Active Civil and Criminal Insolvency Service Investigations Into Those Suspected of Having Blagged the Bounce Back Loan Scheme and Other Covid-19 Financial Support Schemes


My Fireside Chat With Jeremy Vine Discussing BBL Arrears, Defaults and Everything Else

Barclays Get the High Court to Wind Up Another Company That Didn’t Repay a Bounce Back Loan With Its Director Getting an 11 Year Ban After She Admitted It Never Had Any Turnover, Despite Claiming on the BBL Application Form Its Turnover was £198,000

Barclays Offer to Write Off a Bounce Back Loan (The Amount They Didn’t Manage to Snatch Back Out of a Customer’s Account They Reviewed and Decided His Business Wasn’t Ineligible For) the Ombudsman Says They Can Do That and You Are Not Having the BBL Back

Jim Shannon from the Democratic Unionist Party asks John Glen MP the Chief Secretary to the Treasury Are You Actually Doing Anything to Recover Money Blagged from the Government During the Pandemic. “Making Arrests” is the Reply

Traffic Commissioner Refuses Operator Licence Due to Company Directors’ Bounce Back Loan Skulduggery

District Judge Ranson at the High Court of Justice, Business and Property Courts Manchester Orders the Wind-Up of 11 Dodgy Companies Whose Directors Blagged a Fortune in Bounce Back Loans and Small Business Grants with the Money Ending up in Hong Kong

I Have Just Received Official Word on How You Can Discover If Your Lender Has Put in a Claim for a Bounce Back Loan Guarantee Payout and Whether They Have Received It and Information on the “Always Liable for the Debt” Aspect of a BBL

The Committee of Public Accounts, led by Meg Hillier MP are Gleeful “Lessons Have Been Learned” By the Government About the Bounce Back Loan Scheme Proven by Making the Recovery Loan Scheme Much Harder for Businesses to Access! Lovely…

The Government Have Just Been in Touch with Me About the Ping-Pong and Limbo-Land Many People are Experiencing with the Department for Business and Trade Blocking Strike Offs When a Company Has a Bounce Back Loan Owing – Read Their Official Response

The Bounce Back Loan Door-Kicking Police Head to London and Hertfordshire and Round Up Suspects as Part of an Investigation Into a £1.3million BBL Scam

Here is Another of the 100+ Cases Related to BBL Skulduggery That Barclays Took to the High Court to Get a Company Would Up – Resulting in a 6 Year Ban for the Director of that Company Who Admitted at Interview to Using the BBL for Personal Benefit

Read a Signed Admission (I Have Been Sent from a Government Department) of a Business Owner Who Blagged Three Barclays Bounce Back Loans and Has Accepted Their Fate, That Being a 12 Year Ban

Ombudsman States, “the Use of Various Terms, Seemingly Interchangeably – “Carrying on Business”, “Commercial Activity”, “Trading Activity” and “Trading” – Complicates Matters Further” When Ruling on a BBL Complaint Against NatWest

A Member of the House of Lords and an Ex-Shadow Chancellor Still Coining It In From The BBL Scheme with their Debt Collectors Association the Latter Demands BBL Debt Collectors Work to a “Phycological Animal Spirit” To Panic People Their Members Contact – What a Vile Creature He Is

Full Overview of the Number of Cases Currently with the Bounce Back Loan Door-Kicking Police (The National Investigation Service)

A Team of 8 Experienced Criminal Investigator Contractors are Working within the Insolvency Service’s Criminal Investigation Team Investigating Fraudulent Claims for Bounce Back Loans/Dissolved Company Offences

This is What BBL Lenders Are Putting by Way of Markers on the CIFAS Fraud Database for Those They Suspect Blagged a Bounce Back Loan from them by Avoiding Repayment

Defaulted On Your Bounce Back Loan? – Check The Date on the Demand for Full Repayment Letter Your Lender Sent You, As That is the Key to Discovering Whether You Are Passed the Point of Lender Recovery Action

Has Capital on Tap Been Blagging Bucketloads of Cash from Fraudulent BBLs and the Bounce Back Loan Scheme By Taking Advantage of a Loophole? If So, Have Other Lenders Been at it Too?

Barclays Granted Another High Court Order to Wind-Up a Company That Blagged Them Out of a Bounce Back Loan Resulting in the Directors of that Firm Getting a 2 Year 6 Month and a 10 Year Ban

Bounce Back Loan Debt Collectors Now Seemingly Throwing Their Hands Up in the Air and Confirming in Writing That “No Further Debt Recovery Action Is Necessary” – Have a Read of Their Letter

Lloyds Bank Default a Customers in Arrears BBL and Demand Full Repayment, Ombudsman Says You are Not Pulling That Trick Due to an Address Error of Yours, and Orders Them to Re-instate it Immediately and Spread All Arrears Over the Term of the Loan


During the Tenure of Gormless Kemi Badenoch the ICAEW Have Just Been Reprimanded for Being Useless When Monitoring Insolvency Practitioners Leading to Dodgy Ones Getting Away with Skulduggery – Have Dodgy BBL’s Also Been Covered Up for Back-Handers?

Suspended Sentence for Scamster Who Blagged £195,000 in Covid-19 Support Grants Which Was Meant for SME’s from St Helen’s, Thurrock, and Rochdale Local Authorities

Very Dodgy Firm Offering to Buy Your BBL/HMRC Debt Ridden Ltd Company for £1 and a Hefty Fee – Don’t Try and Cheat the System or You Will Get Scammed

Traffic Commissioner Proves a Company Director Wasn’t Trading and Had Blagged a BBL

Santander Ordered to Pay £300 Compensation to an “Adult Entertainment” Worker They Messed About When She Applied for a Bounce Back Loan

The Reason Why You May Not Be Able to See Any Trace of Your Bounce Back Loan on Your Credit Files Even After Defaulting and May Still Be Able to Obtain Personal Credit Cards, Loans and Other Credit Facilities

Despite What an Insolvency Practitioner May Say When Liquidating Your Company, They Are Working For the Creditors Not You, and Any Wrongdoing Uncovered Especially with a BBL is Secretly Reported, as This Director Starting a 10 Year Ban Today Found Out.

Whistle-Blower Accuses the Department of Trade and Insolvency Service of Xenophobia by Having a Preference for Banning Company Directors for BBL Wrongdoing that are from “Minority Groups” or have “Foreign Sounding Names”

Read The Exchange of Letters Between the British Business Bank and the Government Expressing Concern About Vulnerable Bounce Back Loan Borrowers and the Government Asking for It to Be Hushed Up

Please Do Not Be Afraid To Tell Your BBL Lender / Their Debt Collector You Are Vulnerable If You Are – They Won’t Turn Their Back on You and WILL Ensure You Get Fair Treatment and They CAN Write Off a BBL and STOP Chasing You For Repayment

Read Written Confirmation That Ministers Have Told Bounce Back Loan Lenders That 12 Months Is An Appropriate Amount of Time to Pursue Outstanding BBL Debts

Santander Demand £42k Back of a £50k BBL as They Don’t Believe a Customers Turnover Figure, They Charge Him a £470 Fee When He Deposits the Cash and Escort Him Out of the Building Refusing to Arrange a Meeting to Discuss His BBL

Ombudsman So Befuddled by the BBL Scheme They’ve Now Started to State When Deciding Outcomes in BBL Related Complaints “They Are Not a Court of Law” and “Cannot Determine if Any Lender Has Acted In a Non-Regulatory or Unlawful Way” – Just Unfairly

Updated – I Have Submitted an Official Complaint to the British Business Bank, Asking Them to Stop the Stress, Alarm and Fear and Potentially Save Live’s by Coming Clean About Bounce Back Loans.

The Department for Trade’s Bounce Back Loan Privacy Policy Has Been Updated

I Have Written to the Department of Trade Asking Why their Updated BBL Privacy Policy States That Department May Initiate Debt Collection Proceedings Against BBL Defaulters Once They Have Paid Out the Guarantee to a BBL Lender – What Witchcraft is Afoot?

Facts and Figures Relating to Enforcement Action by the Insolvency Service Reveal Barclays (the Only BBL Lender Taking Any Meaningful Type of Enforcement Action)

HSBC Default a Customers BBL, Shut His Account, Log a CIFAS Marker, “Lose” His Phone Calls, Confuse Him Over His Trading Dates and State He Over-Egged His Turnover – Ombudsman Says He Didn’t Commit Fraud and His Turnover COULD Be Estimated and Orders the Removal of the Marker and Compensation

Bounce Back Loan Door-Kicking Police Leg It To Middlesbrough to Make an Arrest for BBL Skulduggery Relating to 18 Bounce Back Loan Applications

Violent Ex-Partner Coerces a Female Into Taking Out a Barclays Bounce Back Loan Which He Takes and Buys Himself a Car with the Funds – Barclays and the Ombudsman Shamefully State There is Nothing We Can Do She is Liable

British Business Bank Confirm Your MP Has NOT Been Snooping on the BBL Database and Taking Notes of Your Personal and Private Banking Information for Political Ends But He or She May Have Viewed the BBL Dashboard


National Crime Agency On The Hunt for Money Launderer Who Also Helped Someone Purchase a Company That Was Used to Fraudulently Obtain a Bounce Back Loan

Many BBL Borrowers Unable to Meet Their Bounce Back Loan Repayments Are Turning to A.I. To Generate a Letter/Email Asking For Forbearance From Their Lender – Read One Such Letter That Always Gets a Response

Listen to a Barclays BBL Bounty Hunter As He Spills the Beans on Their Extraordinary Success Rates (from 0.01% to 30%) in Recovery Action Against Company Directors Who Blagged their BBL Scheme

Barclays Bounce Back Loan Bounty Hunter Gobsmacked At Amazing New Bank Statement Analysis Software That Makes Spotting BBL Skulduggery a Breeze – Listen As He Explains How It Works “My Jaw Dropped”

Just a Reminder – If You Do Default On Your BBL the Lender Can and More Than Likely Will Raid Your Bank Account to Pay Down Some or All of the BBL and Will Often Close Your Account

Lord Pickles Decides That Lord Agnew Can Become a Bounce Back Loan Bounty Hunter But With a Few Caveats – Read the Rules He Has to Abide By

Santander Operations and Control Manager Who Abused the Bounce Back Loan Scheme Is Found to Have Been Unfairly Dismissed by the Bank, But Is Not Awarded Compensation As He Would Have Been Sacked Anyway

Judge Proclaims “It Seems to Have Been Obscenely Easy to Scam the State to Get a Bounce Back Loan” as He Locks Up (For 6 Years) a BBL Abuser

Bounce Back Loan Door-Kicking Police Head to Yorkshire and Arrest Four People As Part of an Investigation Into £500,000 of Fraudulent BBL’s

Man Approached to Become a Director of a Company and He Agrees to, That Company Then Gets a BBL and Doesn’t Repay it, The Department for Trade and Business Secures a High Court Order to Wind it up and the Director Gets a 3 Year 6 Month Ban

Dancing On Ice Star Brendan Cole and His Defaulted HSBC £50,000 Bounce Back Loan

Emmerdale Star Danny Miller and His Defaulted Barclays £18,449.11 Bounce Back Loan

Comedian Bobby Davro and His Defaulted NatWest £49,112.63 Bounce Back Loan

Polish Criminal Gang Members Locked Up for Conspiracy to Control Prostitution for Gain, Sex Trafficking, Possession of Criminal Property and Even Blagging Two Bounce Back Loans

High Court Tells a Circuit Judge to Cease Hearing Cases Against HSBC As The Judge Has a Business Relationship with a Company That Got a Bounce Back Loan and a Recovery Loan From That Bank

Hunt Continues For Those Who Blagged a BBL Using the Services of Two South London Individuals Who Generated and Submitted Tax Returns to Fraudulently Validate Turnover

The Final Nail in the Bounce Back Loan Coffin? – Read and Digest This Letter Offering “Substantial Discounts” to BBL Defaulters! Why Repay a BBL in Full When They Will Offer You Such a Deal?

Tom Davies, One of the Chosen Few Instructed to Act as Prosecutor For BBL Related Cases, He Has Secured a Conviction Against a Director Who Dissolved His Company

Cameron Brown, the Barrister Who Has Acted as Prosecutor In a Bounce Back Loan Related Court Case, Securing Convictions Against a Two of the Most Prolific BBL Fraudsters

Elisabeth Evans Another Barrister Who Has Acted as Prosecutor In a Bounce Back Loan Related Court Case Securing a Conviction Against a Director Who Dissolved His Company

Successfully Getting the Insolvency Service to Back Down When It Comes to Bounce Back Loan Related Director Disqualifications and Compensation Orders Is Not As Expensive Or As Stressful As You May Have Thought – A Topic the Government Keeps Quiet About

They Are Coming Thick and Fast Now, and Here is Another Director Jailed for 8 Months for Over-Egging His Turnover to Get a Bounce Back Loan Then Applying for a Strike Off the Day After the Money Arrived

After Taking Over a Year to Set Up the PAYG BBL Options for a Customer an Ombudsman Has Told NatWest to Remove its Default, Take Back the BBL from Their Debt Collector, Rework the PAYG Options Into the BBL and Pay £750 Compensation

NatWest Erroneously Default a Customers BBL Which She Repays in Panic in Full When She Had Taken a PAYG Repayment Holiday, Causing Her Untold Distress and Problems – Ombudsman Awards a Pathetic £500 Compensation

Lloyds Told to Reinstate a BBL They Defaulted and Remove Any Adverse Credit File Reporting Due to the Vile Way They Treated a Customer – How Many Others Have They Treated That Way Just to Get Their Grubby Hands on a BBL Guarantee ?


The British Business Bank Have Responded to My Complaint Re The Wording on Their Website That States: “The Borrower Always Remained Fully Liable For The (BBL) Debt.” – Read Their Reply

Insolvency Service Giddy With Excitement as They Secure Their First Compensation Order for £52,163 in the High Court Against a Director

Chancellor Jeremy Hunt Announces The Government Is Ferociously Determined to Recover Money Obtained Through Fraud But Bounce Back Loans Gave the UK the Fastest Recovery Of Any European Country

“Legal Problems” Related to Recovering Losses Caused by Fraud and Error With Local Council Issued Covid Business Grants Makes It “Incredibly Hard” to Recover Those Funds

HSBC Customer Drops Himself In It By Complaining He Never Applied For and Never Spent the BBL the Bank Approved and States Whoever Applied for the BBL Had Over-Egged the Turnover – The Ombudsman Decides He Did Apply and is Liable for Repaying It

Urgent Warning – Lloyds Bank Admit NOT Updating BBL Accounts with Any Change of Customer Addresses and Have Defaulted BBLs To Get Their Hands on the Guarantee After Sending Demands and Letters to the Old Address of Customers – Nice Scam Lloyds!

There Was Of Course Plenty of Third Party Fraud Going On During the Bounce Back Loan Scheme, and Those Who Committed Such a Crime Are Having Their Collars Felt and Are Being Locked Up

The Government Finally Act on Rogue Insolvency Practitioner Firms to Ensure They Do Not Cheat, Lie, or Scam and Otherwise Fail Company Directors Many Of Whom Have Bounce Back Loans or The Creditors Thereof When Taking the Liquidation Route

The Hunt Continues for Group Companies That Applied for Bounce Back Loans As Different Subsidies Rather Than As a Single Group Entity As The British Business Bank Identified That As a Major BBL Fraud Risk

Multiple Prosecutions Resulting in Prison Sentences Have Spurred the Insolvency Service On To Take To Court Those Who Managed to Get a Voluntary Dissolution or a Compulsory Strike Off Without Repaying Their Bounce Back Loan

Step by Step Guide to Taking The Liquidation Route With a Limited Company That Still Owes a Bounce Back Loan, Whilst Wary of Any Possible Wrongdoing You May Have Committed When Applying for or Spending That BBL

We Have Seen Bounce Back Loans Going to ISIS, and Now They Appear to Also Have Been Given to a Beautician Accused of Being a Russian Spy – It Also Looks Like She Over-Egged Her Estimated Turnover to Get That BBL Too

Where Are The Missing £Billions from the Bounce Back Loan Performance Figures? – Yes, You Guessed It, They Are the Kept Secret BBL Defaulter “Mega Discounts”, BBL Write-Offs, Bank Cock-Ups and Disqualified Directors Haggling a Final Repayment Amount for Uncovered BBL Abuse


Despite Challenging His Case, a Bounce Back Loan Abusing Company Director is Ordered to Repay £43,570 for Over-Egging His Turnover to Get the BBL and Gets Slapped With a 9 Year Ban By a District Judge at the High Court of Justice Business and Property Courts in Leeds

Rachel Reeves to Announce a New Covid Corruption Commissioner If Labour Win the Next Election to Go After All Manner of Abuse of the Public Purse During the Pandemic Such as Eat Out to Help Out Scheme Abusers, Council Business Grants Blaggers and Bounce Back Loan Scammers

Check to See If Your BBL Lender Has Logged a CIFAS Marker Against Your Name for “Avoiding Payment” (or Worse) For If They Have, You Could Be High Up On Rachel Reeves’ List of People Her “Covid Corruption Commissioner” Will Be Chasing If Labour Win the Next General Election

National Audit Office Figures Reveal If Rachel Reeves Proposed “Covid Corruption Commissioner” Instructs the Dedicated BBL “Door-Kicking” Police Department (NATIS) to Investigate Just Suspected BBL Fraud Cases It Will Take them Over 1,088 Years

The Princess of Wales Family Targeted by Vigilante Action – The Very Thing I Wrote to Government Committees to Warn of in March 2022 – Rachel Reeves Needs to Tread Carefully With Her Covid Corruption Commissioner So Innocents Are Not Attacked in the Street

Creditor Owed Money By a Company Goes to the High Court to Get That Company Wound Up, It Is Then Discovered the Debtor Company Director Had Over-Egged Its Turnover to Bag a £47k BBL and Gets a 9 Year Ban

Bounce Back Loan Door-Kicking Police Finally Get Another Day Out as They Visit Greater London and Arrest 3 People in Connection with a £3.7 million Bounce Back Loan Scam

Rachel Reeves Proposed Labour Government “Covid Corruption Commissioner” Needs to Investigate Rishi Sunak and His Wife As It Is Revealed She Has Links to YET ANOTHER Company That Bagged Money from a Government Backed Scheme – All But One of Those Companies Have of Course Already Gone Belly Up

Director Complains He Invested £30k from His Company’s BBL in a Pyramid Scheme Scam and Wants Lloyds to Pay Back the Money Lost – Ombudsman Says They Have Given You £10k That’s All You Are Getting As You Shouldn’t Have Invested a BBL For Personal Benefit

Tune Into My New Fireside Chat – Topics Include Insolvency with a BBL – Alleged BBL Wrongdoing Defence/Mitigation Legal Help – BBL Bank Account Reviews, Turnover Questions, Strike Offs, Compensation Orders, Dormant Accounts and BBL Related Court Cases and More

Will Conservative, Lib Dem, and Labour Local Councillors Get Locked Up and Hit With Compensation Orders As One Ex-Councillor Has Already Been For Scamming a Covid Business Grant Scheme, If/When Rachel Reeves Covid Corruption Commissioner Gets Unleashed?

Revealed – The Agreements for HMRC, the British Business Bank, Cabinet Office, Department of Trade and Price Waterhouse Coopers to Share Data to Detect Bounce Back Loan Fraud and Uncover Evidence of the Over-Egging of Turnover to Get a BBL

What the FCA Uncovered When They Acted on “Tip Offs” (Wink) About Bounce Back Loan Lenders Screwing Over Their Customers – Why Its Important to Get a Solicitor Involved If You are Threatened with a Director Disqualification or Worse Related to Alleged BBL Wrongdoing

Grab Your Popcorn as News is Coming in that a Bounce Back Loan Lender Has Defaulted on a CBILS Loan and Us Daft Sods May Have to Pay it Back Via the Government Guarantee!

Judge Fanning at Carlisle Crown Court Slaps a Company Director with a 14-Month Suspended Jail Term, 150 Hours of Unpaid Work and 15 Rehabilitation Activity Days for Taking the Strike Off Route Without Telling Barclays Who Gave Her Business a Bounce Back Loan

Barclays Secure Two High Court Winding Up Orders Against Two Companies With the Same Director Who Blagged Them Out of 2 BBLs, the Director Is Today Starting an 11 Year For Blagging Not One But Two Bounce Back Loans

Barclays Given Approval By The British Business Bank to Extend Their Pilot to Utilize the Bounce Back Loan “Bounty Hunters” That Lord Agnew is the Face Of to Go After BBL Blagging Company Directors – Also, Another Well Known BBL Lender is Now Also Part of That Pilot

Warning Issued to Directors With a BBL in Default or On the Way to Default – Get Your Affairs in Order or You May Find Your Company is Wound Up in the High Court, and Lord Agnew’s Bounty Hunters (Who Get a Large Chunk of Funds Recovered) Aggressively Start Chasing You for Money Owed


Barclays Wind Up Another Company in the High Court Resulting in a Very Modest 4 Year Ban Given to the Director Who Left a £50k BBL Unpaid, and Was Also Found to Have Withdrawn Funds from the Business to the “Risk of HMRC”

Moorcroft Have Sent Out Another Batch of Bounce Back Loan Defaulter Discount Letters – They Are Specific to One Lender and If You Get One, Make Sure You Haggle for the Biggest Discount with the Remainder Not Being Pursued

Bounce Back Loan Lenders Left in the Lurch as the British Business Bank Yanks The Guarantees on Almost £1Billion Worth of BBLs and Other Taxpayer Backed Loans – Let Me Grab My Little Violin…

The Bounce Back Loan Door-Kicking Police (NATIS ) Have Been Accepted As a Member of the Government Counter Fraud Function and Profession

Judge Labels a £50K BBL Scammer a ‘Dishonest Parasite” and Orders Him, at The End of a Proceeds of Crime Hearing, to Repay a Modest £37,230 of the £373,939 He Scammed From a BBL Lender and Others

The Vile Monsters at HSBC Found to Have Wrongly Defaulted a Bounce Back Loan After Having Defamed and Accused the Recipient of Fraud, Ben the Ombudsman Calls Them Out and Says They Were Wrong and Orders Them to Pay Compensation

NatWest Admit Their Systems Failed and a Customers Bounce Back Loan Was Defaulted, Ombudsman Orders Them, For Their Shady Nonsense, to Massively Increase the Compensation They Have Paid That Customer and Reinstate His BBL

The Clueless Numpties at HSBC Ordered to Pay £4800 Legal Fees and £400 Compensation for Accusing a Customer Of Egging Their Turnover, Who They Told Could Estimate His Turnover But Conveniently Lose The Phone Recording Of, to Get a BBL and Giving Them a CIFAS Marker

Gormless Buffoons At Barclays Cross Default a Customers Bounce Back Loan to No Doubt Try and Blag a Guarantee Claim – Ombudsman Says You Are Not Doing That and Order Them to Stop Taking the P*ss and Reinstate the Customers BBL

BBL “Bounty Hunters” Not Willing to Go After a Turnover Over-Egging Company Director and as Such the Liquidator Decides He Will Not Pursue the Matter, the Secretary of State, Kemi Badenoch, Agrees to Give the Director a 10 Year Ban as Punishment

Disgracefully, Ombudsman Paul Cooper Decides Its Perfectly Fine and Dandy for NatWest to Demand a Repayment Plan On a Defaulted BBL Given to a Gentleman With ADHD and Autism Who Is Clearly Vulnerable – Let’s Hope He Knows About the “Defaulter Discount” and Offers 1p

Customer Complains About Co-Op Bank, They Admit Their Online Banking Platform Is Pre-Historic and Rickety, Their Support Lines Are Undermanned and They Are Looking for Staff and They Didn’t Give Her Access to Her BBL Statements – Ombudsman Awards £250 Compensation

The “Covid-19 Loan Schemes Fraud Analytics Programme” Detects £99,476,014 By Using Government Data to Identify Fraud in the Bounce Back Loan Scheme and Companies with £40,509,531 in BBLs Have Been Blocked From Being Removed from the Companies Register

More Bounce Back Loan Lenders Have Started Offering BBL Defaulter Discounts In a Last Minute Attempt to Get Something Back – So Form an Orderly Queue But Be Prepared to Haggle for the Best Discount

Man With Physical and Other Vulnerabilities Claims Some Scammed Him Out of an Expensive Watch By Paying for It By Applying for a Barclays BBL in His Name Without His Knowledge – Ombudsman Says I Doubt It and Dismisses the Complaint

IMPORTANT – Who and What Are Bounce Back Loan Bounty Hunters and Why Some LTD Company Directors With a BBL In Default Need to Be Worried – Many More Companies Are Being Lined Up to be Wound Up in the High Court For BBL Wrongdoing

Barclays Secure a High Court Winding Up Order Against a Company Due to Its Director Submitting Dormant Accounts, Proving That Business Was Not Eligible for the £50k Bounce Back Loan It Got – The Director, Over a Year Later, Has Been Given a 10 Year Ban and The BBL Bounty Hunters are Circling

Liquidator Instructs Chadwick Lawrence Solicitors to Personally Pursue a Warrington Based Company Director Who is Today Starting an 11 Year Ban for Blagging a £50,000 Bounce Back Loan from Barclays Bank

Liquidator Doesn’t Bother Attempting to Pursue a Company Director Who Blagged a £50k BBL from Starling Bank Due to the Directors “Lack of Response”, He Does However Get an 11 Year Ban Which Starts Today

Bounce Back Loan Door-Kicking Police (The National Investigation Service) Secure a £199,900 Cash Forfeiture Order Against BBL Fraudsters in Birmingham

The Latest Bounce Back Loan Data Dump Reveals Billions of Pounds Has Rightly Been Written Off, Either Completely or Partially For Those Unable to Repay Their BBL, and Some Lenders Have Received a Fortune Back in Guarantee Claims on Suspected Fraudulent BBLs

Let’s Get Your Unaffordable BBL Put to Bed – My Latest Video on BBL Write-Offs, Defaulter Discounts, BBL Legal problems and a Free Pre-Investigation Service for Added Peace of Mind When You Are Thinking Of Taking the Insolvency Route With a BBL Owing

Take a Look at the Percentage of Bounce Back Loans Each Lender Has That Have Gone Wrong Or Conversely Are Currently Tickety-Boo and On Track – Conister Are Currently Worst of All With a BBL Failure Rate of a Mind-Blowing 77.10%


Barclays Go To The High Court to Wind Up Another Company Whose Director Blagged a £50k BBL From Them By Claiming Her Turnover Was £232,000 When It Was Just £120! She Is Today, 13 Months Later, Starting a 10 Year Ban

Lord Agnew’s Bounce Back Loan Bounty Hunters Pay £1 to Liquidators to Take On a Case (They Will Get a Share of Money Recovered From) to Recover Funds From a Director Who is Today Starting a 12 Year Ban for Blagging Two BBLs After Barclays Got His Company Wound Up in the High Court

I Receive So Many Calls About the Bounce Back Loan Defaulter Discount Letters, Here is a Reminder of What to Expect if You Get One and What You Will Be Offered and What You Can Counter Offer

Builder Sentenced to 20 Months Imprisonment Suspended for 2 Years for Fraud by False Representation for Over-Egging His Turnover to Blag a £50k Bounce Back Loan Which He Ultimately Loses to a Cryptocurrency Scam

Lord Agnew’s BBL Bounty Hunters Make a Loss By Paying to Fund the Litigation Against a Director Who For Reference Is Today Starting an 8 Year Ban For Blagging a £50k Bounce Back Loan from Barclays By Over-Egging His Turnover

Liquidator States He Has Instructed a Solicitor to Pursue a Director Personally for Repayment of a BBL, That Director is Today Starting a 10 Year Ban for Over-Egging His Business Turnover to Blag a Bounce Back Loan from NatWest

Are You Paying Off Your Limited Company’s Bounce Back Loan With Your Own Personal Funds Each Month? Has Your Business Not Bounced Back? – Are You Considering Taking the Liquidation Route But Are Confused and Worried About the Process?

The Options Available to You When You Receive the Dreaded Letter Telling You That You Are Getting a Director Disqualification and Even a Compensation Order for Bounce Back Loan Wrongdoing Unless You Can Persuade The Insolvency Service / Secretary of State Otherwise

Does Your Ltd Company Have an Unaffordable Bounce Back Loan and You Cannot Afford to Take the Insolvency Route? Can You Not Get Your Company Dissolved/Struck Off As It Is Blocked by the Department of Trade As There is a BBL Still Owing? – There is a Solution

NATIS, the Bounce Back Loan Door-Kicking Police Department Are Now Targeting Suspected BBL Fraudsters Bank Accounts and Also Securing Cash Forfeiture Orders

Indian Restaurant Director Doesn’t Pay Her Tax Bill So HMRC Gets Her Company Wound Up in the High Court, It Is Then Discovered She Paid Most of Her Company’s Bounce Back Loan to Herself for Personal Benefit and She Gets a 7 Year Ban

Lords Agnew’s Bounce Back Loan Bounty Hunters Pay £1 and the Liquidators Costs to Pursue a Barclays Bounce Back Loan Blagger Personally for Money He Scammed Via a BBL Obtained from That Bank By Over-Egging His Business Turnover

HSBC Set Up a Ltd Company’s BBL in the Directors Personal Name – Something They Have Done a HUGE Number of Times – Ombudsman Say They Cant Change It Due to the Harebrained Rules of the Scheme and Awards Him £250 – Its Defaulted Now Anyway, So I Doubt They Will Get Anything Back – Seems Fair to Me!

Step By Step Guide to Getting the Maximum Bounce Back Loan Defaulter Discount – You Could, Like 10,000s of Others, Pay Just Pennies in the Pound and Have the Rest Written Off Legally and Legitimately By the Lender with No Further Action

The FCA Have Been in Touch and Have Let Me Know What The Situation Is For a Borrower, When It Is Discovered the British Business Bank Has Yanked the Guarantee On Their Bounce Back Loan, Due to The Lender Making Errors or Other Lender Skulduggery

Creditor Secures a Winding Up Order Against a Company That Owed It Money Leading to the Discovery the Director of the Wound Up Company Had Over-Egged His Turnover to Blag a £50k BBL – Resulting in an 11 Year Ban

I Asked the Insolvency Service Have They Issued Legal Proceedings in Regard to a Compensation Order Against Someone Whilst They are in a Breathing Space? – This Is What They Have Told Me Referencing Bounce Back Loans

No Enforcement Action Expected For Most Bounce Back Loan Defaulters in 2024 or Beyond – Check to See Whether You Are Off the Hook or On the Radar for a Prison Sentence, Compensation Order and/or a Director Disqualification/Bankruptcy Restrictions Order

Barclays Secures a High Court Winding Up Order Against a Dewsbury Based Company Director Who Gets an 11 Year Ban for Claiming His £55.02 Turnover Was £200,000 to Blag a £50,000 BBL from Them