Bounce Back Loan Abuser Tracker Current Total: 2902 BBLs Worth £121,237,583.59

BBL Helpline


The number of Bounce Back Loans that have so far gone sour is of course constantly rising in number, and will continue to do so for weeks, months and years moving forward.

I have been keeping track of businesses that have been wound up and personal bankruptcies in which there is a Bounce Back Loan involved when there is some form of wrongdoing associated with that loan.

Currently the total I have tracked stands at:

  • BBLs: 2902
  • Value: £121,237,583.59

You will find the details of each of the above cases in the following section of this website:

Organised Abuse of the BBL Scheme

I have also included into the above figures, the BBLs and cash scammed by the gang recently exposed in the following article:

Two Men Locked Up For a Total Of 33 Years For An Outrageous £10million Bounce Back Loan Scam