My Fireside Chat With Jeremy Vine Discussing BBL Arrears, Defaults and Everything Else

Feel free to tune in below, this is a timestamp of the callers and messages received during the show:

  • 00.00 Intro 
  • 01.00Call – BBL’er Steven – BBL’er Struggling
  • 04.31 Call – Federation of Small Businesses
  • 10.06 Message – Simon
  • 10.46 Message – Kevin
  • 11.03 Message – Wayne 
  • 11.46 Call – Paul – Excluded BBL’er
  • 15.41 Call – Mr Bounce Back – (Me)
  • 18.24 Message – James – Now Paying Just £25 Per Month
  • 18.41 Message – Stuart Staffordshire – 2 x BBLs Struggling
  • 19.07 Message – Fiona in Surrey – BBL’er
  • 19.29 Message – Steve in Stonehaven – Staying Positive

If you have just stumbled on the website having heard me on your wireless, please take a good look around as you will find what you are looking for.

Below are the rules regarding the Bounce Back Loan scheme arrears, defaults, and collections procedures agreed between BBL Lenders and the Government that you should read through and digest.

If you want a chat and/or full access to the site, do consider subscribing to the website the details are here, it’s how I finance the entire operation.>

Join Us

Now, here are those rules:

Also, do watch the video I did with the British Business Bank:

My Fireside Chat About BBL’s with NatWest:

Link to the Radio 2 Show: