Fireside Chat All Filmed Now Being Produced – *Update – I should have the final edit this coming Monday (25th April 2022), for those wondering!

BBL Helpline


**Update – I should have the final edit this coming Monday (25th April 2022), for those wondering! Easter break delayed things.


I spent Friday in London, filming another of my fireside chats as I call them. I was nervous for about 5 minutes until I realised everyone that I was going to be chatting to were a little bit nervous.

As I am not, by even the most warped imagination a television presenter/host, the the filming did go on for a good couple of hours, so the footage needs editing down to remove my ramblings and bloopers etc.

There were six of us in total, three from the bank, and two from organisations that very kindly volunteered their time and me of course.

The footage is now being edited together so it makes sense and flows, I will be badgering them to do it quickly.

Just so you know, some of the topics we covered were (all related to BBLs and those who may be or are struggling to repay or even cannot repay):


Breathing Space

Time to Think

Tailored Support

Independent Free Professional Advice

The role of Debt Collectors

Trading even after a default

The Government Guarantee

Horrific emails/texts and phone calls when in arrears

Much More.

Like I say it is now with the producer and editor who will work their magic and make the footage watchable, and I will be badgering them to get their finger out so as soon as I have it the video will be out there.

**Thanks to the Bank team who will be reading this and the two people from the other organisations, you will meet them all in the video. Oh, and of course the film crew.


**If you are reading this and are in a dark place, please keep the faith you have not been forgotten, and you are not alone. Help and support is available, even if there is no way you can repay your BBL.