Snouts in the Trough

Investec Now Accredited to Offer Recovery Loans and Would You Believe Andrew Mitchell MP (“Plebgate”) is a Senior Advisor Earning £12k a Year for Two Days Work

The list of MPs and Members of the House of Lords that have links to firms accredited by the British Business Bank to offer Government Guaranteed Loans gets bigger each time another one is accredited. Today I bring news of Investec the latest Lender to get the greenlight from the BBB to offer Recovery Loans and links to Andrew Mitchell MP. […]

Snouts in the Trough

Kit Malthouse Has a Healthy Shareholding in a CBILs Lender, and Ex-Chancellor of the Exchequer Sajid Javid bags £30k from BBL Lender HSBC for a Cosy Chat

It just never ends dear website visitor, let us face it with Rishi and Co launching CBILS there was some chunky money to be made with that and all other Government backed loan schemes, and Kit Malthouse MP must have been rubbing his hands with glee when the finance company he founded was accredited by the British Business Bank to offer CBILS. I wonder if that firm will become a Recovery Loan Lender too. As of the […]

Snouts in the Trough

Dave Cameron swanning around in Greensill Private Jets Now Boris is Flying Around in Helicopters Owned By JCB Who Mysteriously Vanished as a BBL Lender

Just when you thought you had seen it all, we learn that not only was Dodgy Dave swanning around in private jets owned by Greensill but now Boris Johnson is flying around in helicopters own by JCB, who mysteriously vanished as a BBL lender. Perhaps Tory donor Lord Bamford, who is the JCB company chairman, and whose firm the helicopter is registered can explain the mystery. […]

Snouts in the Trough

British Business Bank CEO Linked with Drug Firms, Son of an Iranian business magnate and Strange Links to Tide Too and Other Goodies…

I often wonder what type of person you have to be to be linked with a firm that makes money from the suffering of others, and today I will be looking at one such firm, and one that has direct links to the CEO of the British Business Bank, the son of Iranian business magnate, oh and links with Tide, the BBL lender than run out of money and its CEO said he would badger his contacts in Government for dosh (similarly to what Dodgy Dave Cameron is alleged to have done), then magically won a BCR Grant of £25m whilst supported by the BBB. […]