Alok Sharma’s Unusual Ramblings About Renting Clothes Makes More Sense Now as the Stories are Flowing of Carrie Johnson Twirling Around in Them and there are links to Dodgy Dave

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As it is a Sunday and little happens in the world of Government backed loans or grants, I will today be looking at Alok Sharma’s recent ramblings on renting clothes and buying second-hand clothes as a little more information has come to light, involving the wife of Boris Johnson and David Cameron which explains Alok’s possible eagerness to promote such things.

I did alert everyone way back in November last year to start steering their business towards “green” related schemes, as money would soon be thrown at them, and that is certainly the case as proven with the G7 discussions now going on, as it is all about “Building Back Better” and “Greener”.

Alok Sharma was appointed full-time President for COP 26, the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference, on 8 January 2021. He was previously Secretary of State for Business, Energy, and Industrial Strategy at the time when Bounce Back Loans were all the rage.

He did recently set forth and gave a long speech about green things including renting clothes you will see my previous story on that here:

It was a somewhat surprising speech he gave, however connecting the dots seems much easier now since Carrie Johnson, the marmite-like wife of Boris Johnson is now wearing rented clothes and the stories are flowing about her doing so.

Ask yourself are fashion editors of major newspapers so investigative they worked out the clothes she was wearing were rented or whether they were fed that information:

Digging around I discovered that a company called Flyrobe got funding from PayTM founder Vijay Shekhar Sharma (no relation to Alok, well not that I can work out)

“Snapdeal-backed fashion start-up Flyrobe gets funding from IDG Ventures and Vijay Shekhar Sharma”

(Flyrobe offers premium designer wear and branded outfits and accessories on rent at 10-15% of the retail price).

What has that got to do with anything, well link it up with this story:

“David Cameron may invest in PayTM”

and this Tweet:

He gets about does David Cameron.