The Disqualification Files

HSBC Fires Off Another Guarantee Claim After a Company Director Wound Up Business After Bagging a £37,500 BBL When Turnover Indicates She Was Only Entitled To £8,800 and Used Most Of It For Personal Benefit

A 9 year disqualification has been handed out to a business owner who it was discovered massively over-egged their turnover and used most of a BBL for personal benefit and not the benefit of the business, here are the details of what marks the 101st case that I have listed on my BBL Default Tracker. […]

Subscriber Special 3

Since June 2021 The Government Has Been Checking Business Turnover Figures From HMRC Data With The Turnover Figures Declared on Bounce Back Loan Applications

It will come as no surprise that the top “fraud” risk of the Bounce Back Loan scheme was the over-egging of turnover figures. In fact, it does appear to be more widespread than anyone could imagine. However, let us not forget that there was a great deal of confusion surrounding the turnover figure […]