BBL Complaints and Outcomes

NatWest Took Seven Months to Open a Servicing Account Then Declined an SME a Bounce Back Loan Repeatedly – Upshot Is that Ben the Ombudsman Doesn’t Uphold the Complaint

As the clock ticks down to midnight tonight, whatever you have planned I wish you a Happy New Year and here’s hoping things get back to some form of normality for everyone in 2022. Today I present to you another Bounce Back Loan related Ombudsman complaint which was not upheld. […]

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HM Treasury Finally Reply To My Latest Complaint Letter – Alas, It Causes Even More Confusion Plus They Tell Me To Stop Complaining As They Won’t Reply Again – So I Am Arranging An In-Person Visit

If you have been following the never ending saga that is my complaint about the way the Bounce Back Loan scheme is being mismanaged and all the problems being experienced, I have an update for you as last night HM Treasury finally got around to answering my last letter, and here is their reply to that letter. […]

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Lloyds Bank Wave Goodbye to Another £50k Bounce Back Loan with a Company Director Getting a 6 Year Disqualification for Not Using Those BBL Funds For the Economic Benefit of the Business

The New Year is fast approaching, and sadly one thing that we can be guaranteed of in these uncertain times is an increase in the number of Bounce Back Loans that turn sour. Here is another case of a £50k BBL, this time a Lloyds Bank one that will be sent over to the Government and in turn us to pay back. […]

BBL Complaints and Outcomes

After First Refusing to Uphold a Barclays Customer Complaint Regarding an Error That Left a Sole Trader Unable to Access the BBL Scheme the Ombudsman Increases the Compensation from £100 to £300 After an Appeal

As we are still in the “quiet zone” between Christmas and the New Year, today I will be giving you an insight into another Bounce Back Loan related complaint that the Financial Ombudsman Service initially did not uphold, but after an appeal increased the level of compensation the bank, this time Barclays were required to pay out. […]

BBL Complaints and Outcomes

Existing Personal Account Holder Refused a Feeder Account for a Bounce Back Loan by HSBC for His Business, But the Ombudsman Says the Bank Did Nothing Wrong and Tosses Aside the Complaint

Today is the 28th of December 2021 and I am somewhat gobsmacked that the Government, at the time of writing this news update (6am), have not made public on the Government website any official statement on their decision not to impose any additional restrictions or a decision on such, on English businesses before the New Year, that would have been the decent thing to do, instead of wheeling out Sajid Javid to make a quick announcement on the news which many SMEs may have missed. […]