Rarely a Smooth Journey Getting a BBL

BBL Helpline


My BBL journey, like most others has been anything but smooth!

Hubby and I opened up business accounts with Starling beginning of May, provided our tax returns and both received BBL’s within hours.

Sadly, Starling then decided to get “funny” and changed the goal posts on several occasions and implemented their own rules, so it then became impossible for me to apply for my 2nd business loan with them.

I opened an account with Tide, and applied for a feeder account with HSBC, both of which were looking highly unlikely to deliver and time soon.

So I followed advice and used my Halifax personal account to open a business account with Lloyds. Account opened within a couple of days, BBL deposited into my account 24 hours later!

Don’t give up, stick at it no matter how frustrating. Ok, it’s not proving to be the smooth, easy process that we were promised, but there is money out there, and by checking in with this group, and reading other people’s stories and endeavours, you WILL get there.

Have Faith. Good luck. x