MP and Co-Chairman of the APPG Banking Seeks Your Urgent Feedback on the Recovery Loan Scheme

BBL Helpline


I have chatted online to literally thousands of people over the last 10 months about Government Backed Loans and have phoned up and spoken to hundreds of people too.

They include MP’s, Lords, Heads of and Teams in Government Departments, Journalists and of course lots of Bounce Back Loan and now Recovery Loan applicants.

One chap I have spoken to is Kevin Hollinrake, he is an MP and the Co-Chairman of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Fair Business Banking (APPG Banking).

I chatted to him about the Bounce Back Loan scheme, and whilst I will not divulge the finer details of our chat, I will let you know he is a straight talking chap and our chat was somewhat heated at times, with me badgering him to do more for SME’s trying to get a BBL and him explaining, in no uncertain terms, that was exactly what he was doing.

Kevin is never afraid of standing up in the Commons and, how can I put this, letting rip when he has a bee in his bonnet, and he has done so time and time again regarding Bounce Back Loans fair play to him, and he does have the ear of Rishi Sunak as you would expect.

Anyway, yesterday he put out a call for feedback on the Recovery Loan scheme, as you can see below, and as such if you are experiencing any problems, have concerns about the design of the Recovery Loan scheme or want to propose a “Bounce Back Loan 2” type scheme to help the many SME’s who clearly are not able to get a Recovery Loan, he is the man to speak to.

Therefore, to get your voices heard please make contact with him and/or his team, if there is one person I know will stand up in the House of Commons and tell Rishi Sunak of the problems people are having with the scheme it is Kevin.

You can drop him an email at or contact the APPG Banking at if you do not contact them and make your experiences/feedback known he cannot pass them on to Rishi, so please spare a few minutes to drop him an email if you have any comments or suggestions etc, Rishi has changed the design of those schemes before and there is a very good chance he will do so moving forward, but he needs to know what the problems are.