How Many Bounce Back Loan Guarantee Claims Per Lender Have Been Paid Out and Settled?

BBL Helpline


Below you will find the data relating to Bounce Back Loan Guarantee Claims put in by each lender that have been settled.

Be aware these figures have been released today the 28th of July 2022 but cover only up until March 31st 2022 so are already seriously out of date.

Please do not choke on your coffee dear Reader….. Oh, and as my Fireside Chat videos, articles and even books have proven, as these figures make perfectly clear, if you cannot afford to repay your BBL, as long as you did nothing majorly wrong when applying, you have nothing to fear.


Settled – Once the guarantee claim is processed and payment is released, the facility is marked as settled on the British Business Bank portal. Some lenders may be more advanced than others in their Claims and Recoveries processes which could lead to figures being distorted. Lenders may submit guarantee claims quarterly in line with the terms of the guarantee.

Lender name Value of BBL Issued (£) Number of BBL Approved BBL Guarantee Claims Settled (£)* Settled Volume
Barclays 10,786,518,165 344,091 87,966,990 2,694
NatWest 8,924,313,437 292,061
Lloyds Bank 8,540,712,481 282,554
HSBC UK 7,252,789,250 236,616
Santander UK 4,291,110,000 159,046 627,192 14
Starling Bank 1,605,680,051 53,895 61,392,136 1,693
Metro Bank 1,438,316,479 38,502 122,090,983 3,015
Bank of Scotland 1,046,601,691 34,790
Clydesdale Bank 1,009,334,000 34,712 44,035,911 1,553
TSB 625,943,837 24,722 10,068,300 333
The Co-operative Bank 285,532,598 11,018 1,469,301 48
Danske Bank (UK) 279,180,963 8,581 1,431,473 50
Bank of Ireland 247,520,921 7,356 880,460 24
AIB 172,821,478 5,337 402,804 12
Tide 59,972,500 1,826 14,960,183 473
Funding Circle 35,410,025 1,078 1,213,639 33
Capital on Tap 19,200,378 661 4,700,235 154
Arbuthnot Latham 13,725,162 308 50,000 1
Conister 10,418,281 275
Paragon Bank 5,982,553 139 150,397 4
GC Business Finance 5,812,831 245 149,199 4
Skipton Business Finance 3,640,750 82 140,293 4
Investec 3,295,938 77
Close Brothers 2,261,011 102 137,283 7
Total 46,666,094,779 1,538,074 351,866,778 10,116

Oh and Do Order My New Books If Interested

My New Books – “The Journey to Getting a Bounce Back Loan Written Off” and “Bounce Back Loan Kraken Files – Volume One” – Paperback or Kindle Editions – Order Your Copy Today