We Have Seen Bounce Back Loans Going to ISIS, and Now They Appear to Also Have Been Given to a Beautician Accused of Being a Russian Spy – It Also Looks Like She Over-Egged Her Estimated Turnover to Get That BBL Too

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A beautician, renowned for her expertise in nail artistry and ‘Russian mega-volume’ lash extensions, and presently under accusation of espionage on behalf of Moscow within Britain, purportedly obtained £10,000 in state-funded grants and a juicy £10,000 Bounce Back Loan during the pandemic, as disclosed today.

This is almost as bad as the story about Bounce Back Loan funds being sent to ISIS.

Surely questions must also be asked at how the estimated turnover figure was arrived at to secure that BBL, when looking at the Company Accounts…..

Vanya Gaberova, a 29-year-old Bulgarian national, managed the well-regarded Pretty Woman beauty salon situated in West London.

As per the salon’s annual financial records, she was granted a £10,000 coronavirus relief fund, followed by an additional £10,000 in a bounce-back loan guaranteed by the British government, amid the successive lockdowns.

Scheduled to appear at Westminster Magistrates’ Court on September 26, Ms. Gaberova, along with Orlin Roussev, 45, Bizer Dzhambazov, 41, Katrin Ivanova, 31, and Ivan Stoyanov, 31, face allegations of actively engaging in espionage operations in the UK and Europe, funneling acquired intelligence to Russia, and purportedly conducting surveillance on specified targets.

The trial is listed for 28 October 2024 at the Central Criminal Court.