Bounce Back Loan Fraud Hotline But No Helpline for Applicants

BBL Helpline


We are now just thirty four days away from the end of the Bounce Back Loan scheme, and you won’t need me to tell you how difficult it currently is to get such a loan if you are desperate to secure one.

The powers that be have decided now is a good time to launch a Bounce Back Loan fraud hotline, and as such if you wish to report someone for trying to or successfully defrauding that scheme then you can phone 0800 587 5030 and report them.

Be aware that the hotline is operated by Crime Stoppers and as such you can use it completely anonymously, or if you prefer you can use the form on the Covid Fraud Website instead.

The sad thing however is that no one associated with the scheme has had the initiative to launch a Bounce Back Loan applicants hotline, if there was ever a time when such a helpline would come in handy it is right now with so many people unable to get a BBL or having all manner of problems and delays with their current BBL application, coupled of course with the lockdowns in place which is seriously messing with everybody’s head.

The one organisation that could have set up such a helpline is the British Business Bank, however looking at their most recent tweets and news updates they are much more interested in letting you know how some of their team recently were awarded CBE’s and how white people in the UK are much more successful at being self-employed than any other race of people!

They need to get their act together and offer to help everyone, and stop race-baiting in a totally obscene way, I am beginning to think they are not fit for purpose.

The UK is a remarkably diverse country and that is what makes it great, so British Business Bank, stop with your nonsense and do everything in your power to help people of every race, creed, colour, gender or sexuality.

In the time it took you to put together that report and the money you wasted on it you could have set up a helpline or badgered the Bounce Back Loan lenders and all the other organisations associated with the schemes you oversee and demanded they make their schemes much more inclusive FOR EVERYONE.

They won’t launch a Bounce Back Loan information and support helpline though, let’s face it, the way they have overseen the scheme so far if they did it would probably be a premium rate number for a start, and they would have to admit there is nothing they can do the help those the scheme has failed anyway.

Whilst lots of people do visit this website daily, and have discovered my Twitter account, there are plenty of people who haven’t a clue who to turn to for help and advice relating to Bounce Back Loans and may be at the point in time now when they have given up any hope of getting a BBL and many of them feel they are alone and will possibly descend into a very dark place sadly.

I am also aware some people are now considering taking out a Bounce Back Loan having initially decided not to, if that describes you then have a look around this website for up to date info on which banks are accepting new customers and keep in mind that if you have an account with any of the accredited lenders (bar Tide or Conister) you should approach those lenders first as you will have a much better chance of getting a BBL from them.

Just keep in mind most lenders will have a cut-off date, which means if you didn’t have an account opened with them and in use before those dates they will not allow you to apply for a Bounce Back Loan with them.

Applying for a Bounce Back Loan

Whilst the list of accredited Bounce Back Loan Lenders stands at 28 of them, there are only three of them that are accepting new customers, you will find a list of banks that are accepting new customers by clicking HERE.

CEO Email Addresses

One way to get some action or some form of update from a bank when you have been waiting a long time for a BBL or bank account (including feeder and servicing accounts updates), is to contact the CEO of the bank you have applied with, and a full list of CEO email addresses are on this page of the website