BBL Helpline: 18,791 Calls – An Update and the NEW Helpline Number

BBL Helpline


Whilst I have been online with my Twitter account since the day the BBL Scheme launched, way back on May the 4th 2020, followed quickly by the launch of the website, I then launched something I am very proud of, that being my Bounce Back Loan helpline.

To date I have received:

18,791 calls

(That figure is updated each morning with the previous days callers added to the total)

Moving Forward – Some Changes – Including a NEW Phone Number

I managed to keep the helpline available, open and free to everyone for as long as I humanly could do, however due to huge demand and lack of financial resources I have had to make the decision, from the 9th of November 2024 to now make it exclusively available to website subscribers only. The old number is no longer monitored.

If you are a subscriber then you are more than welcome to call me anytime between the hours of 4am and 4pm, 7 days a week.

You can subscribe here >

Please log into the website using your username and password, if you haven’t yet done so and then click on the link below to visit the section of the website displaying the new phone number >


The Old Number is No Longer Operational.

(To those who made a donation, as a thank you, you do of course still have access to the new helpline number, drop me an email so I can verify such and I will reply, sending you the new helpline number).

After Hours Service

If you are a subscriber or have donated in the past and need a chat but outside of my usual hours, drop me an email, with your number and I will call you between 4pm and 7pm the same day. The email is, please use the same email address you used when subscribing or making a donation.

When Calling

  • Ensure at the start of the call you give me the email address you used when subscribing so I can verify you are a subscriber.
  • Be aware I cannot reply to text messages or answer questions via email due to the amount of time that takes, and it is far easier to talk you through the entire process so you can fully understand everything and ask any questions there and then and get the answers instantly, rather than go back on forth on text messages or emails.
  • When calling, I will happily talk to you for as long as it takes, so the call may last quite some time, but that is of course all dependent on what stage of your BBL journey you are at, my advice is to have a pen and a piece of paper handy to scribble down notes as I talk you through things, so you know exactly what to do next.

About My BBL Helpline

Do not sit there worrying alone, if you have something stressing you out about your Bounce Back Loan, feel free to give me a call, you can do so in complete confidence and it will be me taking the calls, no one else.

Having interviewed BBL bank bosses and their staff:

Badgered and interviewed the British Business Bank:

Along with questioning Ministers and Government Departments and even sitting in on Parliamentary BBL related Committee Meetings, I am very well versed in how the very unique and often extremely baffling rules associated with the BBL scheme work.

I am not offering legal or financial advice and do not give me any of your personal or business banking details etc, but what I will be offering you is someone to talk to, for believe me, in the last few years, I have seen everything regarding BBLs, and I do mean everything.

I will happily talk you through the entire default process if that is what you want to know more about and enlighten you on the “world of magic” that can and does open for your BBL Lender and yourself when you default, and once you know that you will then understand why Lenders push you to default when you tell them you cannot afford to repay your Bounce Back Loan any longer.

It can be a lonely place when something is playing on your mind, much more so when it’s a Bounce Back Loan you cannot afford to repay, so please do not fear phoning me up.

Keep Me Updated

If you do call, please keep me updated on how you get on, for whilst your first call may be stressful or daunting, when getting things off your chest, once you know you have nothing to fear and that hassle free journey then plays out personally for you moving forward, you can then try and Bounce Back but without the stress of an unaffordable BBL.