The Disqualification Files

Indian Restaurant Director Doesn’t Pay Her Tax Bill So HMRC Gets Her Company Wound Up in the High Court, It Is Then Discovered She Paid Most of Her Company’s Bounce Back Loan to Herself for Personal Benefit and She Gets a 7 Year Ban

You need to keep up to date with your tax bill, or as this case proves, if you have a Bounce Back Loan and did anything wrong when applying for it or spending it, HMRC may get your Company wound up in the High Court, after which your BBL wrongdoing will be uncovered. Here is the Court Order and a background of the case. […]

Extra Support

Does Your Ltd Company Have an Unaffordable Bounce Back Loan and You Cannot Afford to Take the Insolvency Route? Can You Not Get Your Company Dissolved/Struck Off As It Is Blocked by the Department of Trade As There is a BBL Still Owing? – There is a Solution

Actions have consequences, and one of the consequences of the Government changing the law to allow them to block any attempt at getting a LTD Company Dissolved/Struck Off when it has a Bounce Back Loan still owing, is that there are now literally […]