Tom Scholar Permanent Secretary, HM Treasury Responds to Lord Agnew’s Claims, Revealing As He Does So That The Majority of Bounce Back Loan Recipients Details Will Not Be Made Public – However That Is Subject To An Appeal

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You will find below a letter that Tom Scholar, Permanent Secretary, HM Treasury has written to Mel Stride the Chair of the Treasury Committee. Within it, Tom responds to the question of whether Bounce Back Loan recipients’ details will be made public.

You will also find a recent Decision Notice by the Information Commissioner’s Office on their ruling on that matter, due to the size/number of the documents I have loaded them up via a gallery view, simply click on the first image to view the first page of either document then click on the “next” button to scroll your way through either document. (Page Eight of the letter is the one that refers to naming BBL recipients).

The outcome of this is that, as it stands, the reporting of loans will be updated on a rolling basis and the BBB (British Business Bank) anticipates that, in total, details of all of the CLBILS loans will be publicly accessible together with approximately 39% and 3% of the CBILS and BBLS loans, respectively.

Tom Scholar’s Letter

Information Commissioner’s Office Decision Notice