Tom Scholar From HM Treasury Offers a Response to Dodgy Bounce Back Loans, Shady Furlough Claims and Outrageously Iffy Eat Out to Help Out Claims

BBL Helpline


You can often feel sorry for the hapless Tom Scholar from HM Treasury, for he is the person the Government often wheels out to explain away the dodgy goings on regarding Bounce Back Loans, Furlough claims and Rishi’s somewhat ill-thought-out Eat Out to Help Out Scheme.

However today, Lord Agnew who recently dropped a MOAB on the BBL scheme in the House of Lords before resigning his post is being forced to sit before the Commons Treasury Committee to be grilled about combatting fraud in those schemes, and I will let you know if he drops any other golden nuggets.

**UPDATE Good God did he drop some Golden Nuggets follow link below

Lord Agnew Sticks the Knife in BEIS, the British Business Bank, and Shows His Utter Dislike of Tom Scholar from HM Treasury and Lays Bare the Now Imploded Bounce Back Loan Scheme As Guarantee Claims Are Due to Soar

Keep in mind the number of people now defaulting on Bounce Back Loans, having missed three repayments is huge (six figures), and whether Rishi likes it or not the Government Guarantees are being called upon by many lenders, most of whom are simply going through the motions required of them to prove they have made some form of effort to recover the loans before calling on the guarantee.

Here is the response that has just been made public in which Tom Scholar gives you an insight into those schemes and the dodgy goings on surrounding them.