The Tribunal Case to Determine Whether Everybody with a Bounce Back Loan Repaid or Not Will be Publicly Named and Shamed Is Being Held on November the 28th 2022 – Booked My Place to Watch It Unfold

BBL Helpline


Just a quick update, for those of you worried sick that your personal details are going to be splattered all over a Government website for all and sundry to gawp over.

The Tribunal Case between George Havenhand who wants you all named and shamed and who will have Lord Agnew of all people as one of his “star” witnesses, and the British Business Bank who do not want you all named and shamed is taking place on November the 28th.

I have booked my place to watch it all play out and will of course let you know how it goes.

I have spoken to the British Business Bank about the case, which you will see on my Fireside Chat video with them, and they assured me they will be battling away for you not to be named.

Here is another story I put together about this case a while ago:

Today I Have Issued and Sent the Following Notice of Grave Concern to the Chair and Members of the Treasury, Public Accounts and BEIS Strategy Committees Re Their Obsession in Naming BBL Recipients