Santander Bounce Back Loan complaints along with success stories are listed below. Be aware I have literally 1000’s of articles to load about BBL’s.
Victim of Identity Fraud Complains to the Ombudsman That Santander Closed All His Accounts After Applying for a Bounce Back Loan Which They Also Declined Saying He Had a CIFAS Marker – Ombudsman Upholds His Complaint Saying the Bank Acted Unfairly
Imagine being turned down for a Bounce Back Loan, and having all your accounts closed, and being told the CIFAS marker you stand accused of having was there due to a fraudster using your identity on an address you knew nothing about, but CIFAS saying you do not have a marker. That nonsense and additional unfair treatment by Santander makes up part of this case which the Ombudsman has just upheld and awarded £500 to the customer. […]