Still Waiting for Starling to Look at My BBL Application

BBL Helpline


Thanks for what you are doing, just wanted to share my experience so far as a sole trader, hope it helps you in building a picture of what’s going on:

Longstanding Starling Business customer, though only used account occasionally as used Monzo Business for most activity, applied 5pm Tuesday, still waiting for any response. Coming soon I hope.

Before Starling joined BBLS, applied for an RBS Start-up account on Monday 4th May. Website stated open to all of UK, spoke to CS while applying and all went through with English address, rejected Fri 8th May for being outside of Scotland. Advised to apply for Natwest.

Did so on Sat 9th May and was now given the option of a temporary feeder account, so applied for that.  Account application still in progress.

Applied for a temporary feeder account with HSBC over the phone on Thursday 7th May. Still awaiting a response. Was advised it could be several weeks.