Santander Tell the Ombudsman They Had Strict Criteria for Anyone Applying for a Bounce Back Loan With Them – Its Somewhat Strange Therefore That So Many BBL Customers of Theirs Have Been Busted for All Manner of BBL Wrongdoing

BBL Helpline


Here is a recent case that landed on the desk of Ben the Ombudsman, it related to a Santander customer complaining that the bank would not give him a Bounce Back Loan. Ben states the reason for that is Santander carefully chose who they permitted to apply for and get a BBL with them to ensure full eligibility checks could be carried out.

It is strange that so many of their seemingly hand-picked Bounce Back Loan recipients have since been found guilty of Bounce Back Loan wrongdoing and handed long disqualifications after winding up their businesses.

You will find many of them listed in the following section of the website:

Anyway, here is an overview of that case: