Over 15,000 People Have Now Called My Bounce Back Loan Helpline, If Its Your Turn to Call Then Give Me a Bell – Read More About My Helpline and Do Not Be Afraid To Call

BBL Helpline

I am proud to announce that I have now taken over 15,000 calls to my helpline since I set it up

That roughly, as per the average amount of a BBL, equates to some £320million in BBLs.

A good chunk of which, thanks to the rules of the scheme, have now reached the point of no further recovery action.

A big thank you to my website subscribers and those who have donated, it is with your support I can continue to be there for those in a dark place.

From what some callers have told me, there is no doubt you have helped saved lives and given those, once without hope and in a place no one should ever be, a reason to go on and to get their mojo back.

Also, a big thank you to certain bank bosses and bank staff, you all know who you are, who go above and beyond to help, when, with their permission, I pass someone over to you who needs urgent help. If you need a chat or anyone you know is struggling with repaying a BBL, get them to call me.

Some callers have told me that they have been afraid to call or kept putting it off, well the sooner you do give me a bell, the sooner you can get a good nights sleep.

All calls are in complete confidence, and it is always me that you speak to.

I will get you sorted.


Also, if you can help me keep the dream alive

Subscribe to the website > mrbounceback.com/membership-joi

I have made it my task to ask the right people the right questions, so I can always get you the right answers.

This is me rocking up at the British Business Bank with a camera crew

This is me doing the same at the NatWest offices in Bishopsgate London