Make Some Noise To Get Paid Your BBL

BBL Helpline


I applied for my bounce back loan with HSBC on 4th May 2020, with the assumption by the end of the week I’d have the much needed life saving funds. However, it was a far longer journey.

I hope this helps to get others through such a difficult time. In order of events: application went in on 4th May, very easy process; no confirmation email and no EcoSign documents; advised to reapply on 11th May and received an instant confirmation email.

12th May received EcoSign document at midnight; received new EcoSign docs on 14th saying previous ones had an error; called customer services to find out loan status to no avail, emailed CEO Ian Stuart whom replied promptly.

Called and made a complaint about handling of bbl and received compensation of £150; bbl showed in account 23rd May but not accessible; deposited into account as cleared funds on 28th May. So a total of 24 days which when you’re on the breadline feels like months.

My advice? Make some noise.