Husband Getting Upset with Starling Delays

BBL Helpline


Hi there, my husband also seems to be in the growing list of people who has fallen through the cracks of people who applied early with starling (roughly 10am) but yet to hear anything.

I’m sorry I can’t comment publicly… this is my work account (you may have gathered) and don’t want people knowing our business!

What you’ve done for the Barclay crowd is nothing short of a miracle and I’m sure they are incredibly grateful. You’ve built up a really supportive and informative community over the past week and shown how social media can be used for good. If you’re not already doing something in that sphere, then I’d put those skills to use once this is over!

It’s all a bit mental! My husband is the most cynical man you’ll meet but this past few weeks have reduced him to a sobbing wreck at times. No shame in that. We’re all trying to pull through and you’ve been a massive help to people who needed it, clap yourself on the back but remember to take care of you too.