HSBC BBL Applicants Journey to a Loan

BBL Helpline


4th May applied as sole trader heard nothing,,

4th – 10th May called, called, called, told nothing, 11th May reapplied still as sole trader, received auto confirmation email

12th May still nothing, others getting paid who applied after me

13th May – a miracle:  Echosign documents approving loan dropped in in-box but for account for Ltd company

Returned signed documents within 30 minutes of receipt


Called, told nothing – no records accessible – rechecked signed documents

14th, 15th, 16th 17th,  limited myself to calling twice a day! hold music up to an hour each time will drive you crazy , do something else while waiting!  Then hope as you speak to yet another person and go through the details yet again, then disappointment when they have no information to give back. Records still not accessible, no access to loan team.

Hope each time you see on Twitter @Bounce_BackLoan

HSBC money drop started, disappointment as each drop ends and still no funds.

16th May submitted written complaint through account online access

18th May called again – 48 hours after document sign and no money is grounds for escalation – escalated, heard nothing – no call back, no email

19th May called again – escalated again – still nothing,  called again and made formal complaint by phone  – told of 8 weeks timeline for complaints.

20th May early called again, gave details, still no information, emailed my MP who said he would complain to UK Finance on my behalf.

20th May mid morning – message on my online account saying complaint being looked at.

20th May 5pm yet another call – no information, no call back, no help, lost hope

20th May 9pm – funds in existing account!  And breathe, and sleep…

21st May call from complaints department offering £75 in compensation.  Charity donation made to small local charity in honour of support received from  @Bounce_BackLoan