Freedom of Information Requests Sent to the British Business Bank Re BBL’s

BBL Helpline


I have finally found time to start loading up all of the Freedom of Information requests that have been sent into the British Business Bank and their replies that I have been sent.

As such slowly but surely over the next day or so you will see them becoming live on this website, as you can imagine there are quite a lot of them to load up, but I am getting there.

You will find them all in the British Business Bank FOI Requests section of the website, so give that link a click if you want to have a good look through each of them.

The BBB do have a set amount of time they are required to use to reply to each FOI Request, and as you will see they do tend to take their time to reply to each request put in, you will notice that by the dates on their replies.

Also, another trend or pattern you will see is that they do tend to use various methods to not actually answer the questions they are asked too. Make of that what you will by reading through those FOI Request replies.