Despite The British Business Bank Warning of the Dire Consequences of Doing So – Government Departments Linked to Rishi Sunak, Paul Scully and Kwasi Kwarteng Start Publicly Naming Businesses with Recovery Loans, CBILs and CLBILs

BBL Helpline


I did warn you it was being planned and would happen, and despite the British Business Bank saying that naming businesses with a Government backed loan could have some dire consequences for business owners and undermine trust in banks and lenders, the Government has started to name them.

This is the script the British Business Bank would stick to when anyone asked them, via a Freedom of Information Request to supply details of anyone with a Government Back Loan:

Sadly, those dire warnings fell on deaf ears and if you get yourself over to the following Government website, you will find they have started to list the details of businesses with Government backed loans.


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