Rishis Rancid Racket

Lloyds Bank Only Allowing Their Own Customers with an Account in Place for Over 12 Months to Apply for a Recovery Loan

The list of British Business Bank accredited Recovery Loan Lenders that are putting plenty of hurdles in front of those who need one of those loans to help their businesses recover gets longer each day.

In this update I will be taking a quick look at what Lloyds Bank are doing to ensure they slap down and put off as many SMEs as they can from applying for one of those loans. […]

Rishis Rancid Racket

Royal Bank of Scotland Refuse to Allow New Business Account Holders Apply for a Recovery Loan and Kick to the Kerb Businesses Using Personal Accounts

To save you the time and trouble of applying for a Recovery Loan with the Royal Bank of Scotland, be aware that they do not allow businesses that are using a Personal Bank Account apply for one of those loans and are not allowing anyone with a Business Account opened on or after the 6th of April apply either. […]

Rishis Rancid Racket

British Business Bank Allow Santander to Only Offer Recovery Loans to Their High Risk Corporate Clients So UK Taxpayers Take Most of the Risk

It would make sense to allow banks to cherry pick their own customers if they were lending out their own money and taking on all risks when doing so. But let us not forget that Recovery Loans do have an 80% Government Guarantee, so taxpayers are backing them.

Once again, all on Rishi Sunak’s watch too, the British Business Bank are allowing yet another bank to do as they please with their Recovery Loan facility, and this time it is the turn of Santander to take the Mickey. […]