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First Enterprise the East and Southeast Midlands Regional Lenders Now Accredited to Offer Recovery Loans

The lure of some big fat juicy interest rates and being given the greenlight to pawn off their own loans instead of Recovery Loans on customers, is proving to be irresistible to many banks and lenders. Pity none of them came to the aid of the overwhelmed lenders when the BBL scheme was live. Another regional lender has now been accredited to offer Recovery Loans that being First Enterprise. […]

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New Recovery Loan Lender Shire Leasing Offers Asset Finance Including Sale and Leaseback/Sale and HP Back and Loans over 3 to 5 Years as Part of that Scheme

I live in hope that the British Business Bank will finally accredit a lender that is prepared to help everyone seeking a Recovery Loan, however until that day arrives, I will continue to keep you updated with those they do accredit, even though not many people are being approved for those loans, and in fact most SMEs have written-off that scheme as a waste of time. […]