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NatWest Bank

Something went terribly wrong with NatWest Bank during the lifetime of the Bounce Back Loan scheme, well, there has always been something wrong with that bank some would say. The number of people who applied […]

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I have no clue as to just how many people managed to get a Bounce Back Loan from Paragon, nor whether those applying experienced any problems, but if my memory is correct, I did not […]

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Royal Bank of Scotland

Many people did have to jump through hoops to try and get a Bounce Back Loan from the Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) and as such if you are one of them feel free to […]

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You would have thought with the size of Santander they would have been happy to process as many Bounce Back Loans as possible, and open up their facility to as many SME’s as possible, however […]

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Skipton Business Finance

Skipton Business Finance were another of the Bounce Back Loan accredited lenders that did not seem to attract too many complaints during the length of time that scheme was live. They offered businesses that were […]