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Adam and Company

Adam and Company did decide that they would offer their client base Bounce Back Loans, however being the type of bank that they are I doubt many of their clients took them up on the […]

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Allied Irish Bank

Allied Irish Bank is not huge and as such the number of Bounce Back Loans they processed is small compared to some of the much bigger lenders. I did not receive many complaints about them […]

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Arbuthnot Latham

Not a single person contacted me about their Bounce Back Loan experience with Arbuthnot Latham, so that leads me to believe those that did apply with that bank got one without any fuss or hassle, […]

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Bank of Ireland

One of the accredited lenders that I did not receive much feedback on during the timeline of the Bounce Back Loan scheme was Bank of Ireland.    

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Bank of Scotland

Bank of Scotland would only let their existing customers apply for a Bounce Back Loan with them during the lifetime of that scheme, that was the case with many of the accredited lenders of course. […]