If you are in Bounce Back Loan arrears, or possibly in default, or you are heading that way, you are not alone. In fact the figures that are now being released every few months show plenty of people are behind with their repayments or cannot repay those loans. For a detailed overview of how each lender is handling all aspects of arrears and defaults and how many they currently have going through the guarantee claim system and how many guarantees payments have been paid out to them, along with some shocking examples of fraud uncovered take a look at this section of the website and look your lender up below.

Barclays Bank Bounce Back Loan Performance Figures Update 29th Nov 2024
Barclays approved the largest number of Bounce Back Loans, and as such they have seen everything when it comes to those trying to blag one of those loans from them, but plenty of their customers did experience all manner of problems when the scheme was live. Find out how they are handling BBL Arrears, Defaults and claiming on the BBL Government Guarantee. […]