BBL Complaints and Outcomes

Barclays Lock BBL Customer Out of Their Account in Aug 2020 for an “Account Review” and Finally Completes It and Unlock Account in Dec 2020 – Financial Ombudsman Does Not Uphold Complaint and Thinks That Is Fair!

When I come across stories such as today’s, I can understand why anyone with a Bounce Back Loan would remove the funds from that loan completely from their business bank account along with any other funds held in their account, rather that risk a bank unfairly locking their account or even snatching those funds back. I have seen plenty of examples of both recently. […]

BBL Complaints and Outcomes

Financial Ombudsman Rules Barclays Were Acting Correctly When They Snatched Back £36k of a £50k BBL That One of Their Customers Had Left in Their Business Account – One of Many Snatchback Complaints Going Through the System

Bounce Back Loan snatch backs are commonplace, I have seen no end of people being told weeks or months after getting a BBL that their bank accounts are locked pending a review, then being told any and all funds in their accounts have been grabbed by the bank and a demand going out for full repayment of the BBL less the funds grabbed. The Financial Ombudsman is the only […]

BBL Complaints and Outcomes

Barclays Force Customer to Wait Four Months to Attend an In-Branch Appointment to Open a Business Account to Get a BBL Ombudsman Does Not Uphold Complaint

It was often the case when an existing personal account holder with Barclays wanted to open a Business Account to get a BBL that bank would force them to attend an in-branch appointment, this complaint looks at how they forced one customers to wait four months for the appointment and why the Financial Ombudsman did not uphold that complaint. […]