Banks and BBLs

HM Treasury, the National Audit Office, BEIS and Most Banks Do Not Have a Clue Yet On The Scale of Bounce Back Loan Defaults But Banks Are Now Issuing Official Default Notices One of Which I Have Uploaded

With no real idea yet on the number of Bounce Back Loan defaults that are likely to occur in the coming months, all you will see is estimates from those involved in the scheme, however I have seen a plethora of BBL Breach Letters being sent out by some banks, and today I will give you an insight into what an Official Default Notice looks like from one bank. […]

Banks and BBLs

You Will Know How Arrogant Santander Were Regarding Opening Business Accounts when BBLs Were Available If You Tried to Do So. Read Their Official Response

One of the bosses of Santander has admitted that bank will be snooping in business customers accounts if they got a Bounce Back Loan to see if the account is being run as they would expect with regard to certain aspects of the application for a BBL those customers made/supplied, and today that boss gives an insight into how they handled business account openings during the BBL scheme. […]