Bouncing Back Episode Eight – “My Bank has asked me questions about the turnover figure I put on my BBL application what are they playing at?”

This is Episode Eight in a series of new webcasts in which I will answer, in around 60 seconds or so, some of the most asked individual BBL related questions to my Helpline.

If you haven’t done already, sign up to the site today and get access to my helpline and full access to the website. See the links below for relevant documented cases.

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Relevant Links to Check Out:

Since June 2021 The Government Has Been Checking Business Turnover Figures From HMRC Data With The Turnover Figures Declared on Bounce Back Loan Applications

HSBC Boss Admits If They Suspect Someone Over-Egged Their Turnover to Get a BBL They Are Allowing Them to Repay Their Loan as Per the Original Repayment Terms

Banks Asking Some Bounce Back Loan Recipients to Verify Business Turnover and Advising Them They May Share Information Supplied on the Original Application with HMRC to Check If It Is All True and Valid

Santander Still Snooping Into BBL Recipients Bank Accounts and Demanding Answers and the BBB Silent on Breathing Space

Reminder – The Powers That Be Are Turning a Blind Eye If You Over-Egged Your Business Turnover by No More Than 25% Over and Above the Permitted 25% Turnover Figure

Had a Recent Letter from Your Bank Requesting Additional Information About Your BBL or Business? If So Read This Strategy Adopted By BEIS For The Recovery of “Irregular” Bounce Back Loan Payments As It May Explain It