Caught on Camera Episode 9 “Communication, Help and Guidance is Really Important”

BBL Helpline


It is one thing saying something, but whether you truly mean it is another. With that in mind today as part of my ever growing “bank bosses say the craziest things” series of videos, I present to you the following one.

In it you will hear Amanda Murphy from HSBC letting MP’s know how she feels it is important that people applying for a BBL from her bank get help, support and guidance.

If you are one of the 1000’s of people who are still waiting for a Bounce Back Loan or a Top Up from that bank after applying months ago and have tried communicating with HSBC, you will know she and her bank have failed you miserably in respect of what she is saying.

I have also inserted into this video a small number of complaints I have received about HSBC, you will see 100’s of others dotted around this website in the daily updates and weekly round-up articles and videos too.

Shame on her and her bank. If you have been waiting and have been messed about, I am sure, based on the bank’s failure, they will be more than happy to shower you with substantial compensation, if not her words are meaningless.

Anyway, here is that video: