A Copy of the Bounce Back Loan Application Form That You Signed to Get Your BBL – Check To See What You Agreed To and How Some Lenders Had Errors on That Form and/or Ignored What You Put!

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Below is the standard layout of the BBL Application Form, as approved by the British Business Bank, that Lenders had to use and Borrowers had to fill in and agree to regarding getting a Bounce Back Loan.

It is often this form the powers that be get a completed copy of and use to prove someone blagged the BBL Scheme.

Be aware that HSBC and NatWest (and possibly more BBL Lenders) shockingly ignored some of the answers you may have given or boxes you may have ticked or had anomalies with their application forms’ backend.

More on that HERE >

Subscriber Special – HSBC Ordered to Write Off a Bounce Back Loan, Pay Compensation and Called “Disingenuous” For Keeping Quiet About a Known System Error on Their BBL Application Form Which Ignored Which Box You Ticked Entirely

NatWest Ordered to Write-Off Another Bounce Back Loan and Give £300 Compensation to a Customer for Putting a BBL In His Sole Trader Name and Not the Name of His Ltd Company – So Many People Have Told Me Their BBL Lender Did a Similar Thing, Let’s Hope They Too Also Get Justice

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View a Copy of the Bounce Back Loan Guarantee Agreement Your Lender Signed Alongside the Secretary of State to Ensure They Get Their Money Back if You Default On Your BBL

The Official British Business Bank Bounce Back Loan Scheme Lenders Manual

Here is the Standard BBL Application Form: