If you look around the website you will find details of the very latest Bounce Back Loan data dump, in a nutshell 405,110 of the 1,536,039 BBLs drawn down are f*cked or well on their way to being.
Links to the Data
> Updated Figures on BBL Defaults, Arrears and Guarantee Claims Put in and Paid Out
> Individual Lender Performance and BBL League of Shame
If you have defaulted or S00n Have To
Please do not feel guilty or ashamed, it is not your fault there was a “pandemic” and Boris told you that you must close your business and not go outside, or you might die, and you must close/suspend your business, then as you sat there in a very, very vulnerable state, up pops Rishi offering you £50k by pressing a few buttons.
I am always available on my BBL helpline if you want a chat or just want to hear a friendly voice. You are not alone – Mike