As you can see, Catherine Lewis La Torre looks rather smug having bagged her new job as the CEO of the British Business Bank, but you are better off talking to the wall if you are one of the 1000’s if not 10,000’s of people experiencing problems with a Bounce Back Loan.
Picture C/O The Guardian
From personal experience any complaints you send their way are brushed aside and ignored, however one that made my blood boil, which they have chosen to ignore once again is very worrying.
Long story short, an applicant applied to Starling Bank for a Bounce Back Loan, however they decided to go with Barclays, but Starling Bank logged the BBL the applicant did not sign for or get paid out on onto the error ridden database that the British Business Bank have confirmed is run/overseen by Cifas. As a live and active BBL.
Starling Bank realising their error (once told by the applicant and Barclays), amended the entry on the database to show it as Not Paid and not drawn down, and wrote to Barclays letting them know what they had done so.
Now any sane level headed bank employee would then see the updated database entry and would have then continued to process the BBL, however, instead of doing so they have invented an imaginary BBL rule and decided to decline the applicant a BBL based on the imaginary BBL.
Here is the letter Barclays sent out to that applicant. I have alerted the British Business Bank, but as is usually the case, they could not be arsed replying.
So, according to Barclays, the applicant cannot have a Bounce Back Loan as based on an imaginary rule regarding an imaginary Bounce Back Loan. You could not make it up!
Time to pack your bags Catherine Lewis La Torre, the wretched organisation you are leading is causing untold stress and financial hardship to many businesses, all under YOUR watch, by you not jumping in and helping the never ending stream (more like full-flowing river) of people experiencing problems with YOUR accredited Bounce Back Loan lenders, you are making their problems even worse.
Oh, and as for Starling Bank, they too have not been arsed to reply to the applicant (yet) to offer a solution to the problem they caused. How charming, Anne Boden, NOT:
Admission of Guilt from Starling Bank:
Many of my followers did jump into my tweet to the British Business Bank about this matter, this one did catch my eye:
In exposing the above I wish to hereby invoke my whistle-blower protection afforded to me recently by a certain Government department in doing so.