Will I Ever Get My Bounce Back Loan from Barclays?

BBL Helpline


I emailed a few weeks back regarding my BBl application with Barclays

After many weeks I was told there was a marker on my account that needed removing and that it would be done so I could apply.

Apparently, this was removed, and I was told to apply.

2 more weeks went by without me being able to apply online so finally I had a call to apply over the phone. Loan agreed papers signed.

That was 10 days ago now. It was a Friday and I was told I would receive the funds on Monday 22nd if June, Tuesday at the latest.

Those dates have been and gone and I was

Told once again on Friday last week that I would receive my funds today.

It is now 8 p.m. and I have not had the funds yet.

Note: Continue to hound them, sadly that is the only way you are going to get things sorted out, failing to contact them constantly will, as has happened with other people, see you waiting and waiting even longer.