Why the Delays at Santander?

BBL Helpline


Hi, just wanted to say thanks again for all your updates & info, good to know someone is fighting for everyone during this mess!

I know there is now this big scandal with the poor Starling decliners but do u have any clue as to what the problems are at Santander?

They just seem to have stopped paying or even just processing any apps these last few days, nobody has heard anything from them, this randomness of the way apps are being processed is so infuriating, personally my verve’s are already shot, this not knowing anything is just too draining

That BBC 95 % paid claim has really annoyed me as it doesn’t appear to be the case and they will get away with it as well, even if you logically think about it, it would mean all their resources should be resolving the remaining 5% which should take a day if they 95% in 12 days

I would love to understand what they’re backend process really is and the truth behind the mess, definitely a lot more to it, maybe it’s just a stalling tactic to arrange more funds or they had a database failure and lost info or maybe even a massive fraud attempt by internal staff, some isn’t right though.

Rant over