They were tasked with launching the Bounce Back Loan scheme, along with the new Recovery Loan scheme, and as such any problems with either are solely down to the British Business Bank.
They have had something of a chequered past, for they did not want the BBL scheme to launch when it did and wanted it to be much more like the failed (for many) CBILS scheme, however they were overridden regarding a delay to the launch of the BBL scheme and its finer points by Rishi Sunak and his team.
Throughout the length of the BBL scheme however they have proven to be somewhat useless in helping anyone experiencing problems with the scheme and have repeatedly ignored SME complaints about different aspects of it.
The previous CEO of that Government funded “bank” left part way through the BBL scheme to be replaced by a new CEO, who appears by her actions, or lack of them, to be just as unsympathetic to those caught up in the problems the scheme has caused as the chap that she took over the role from.