Week Thirty Seven of the Bounce Back Loan Scheme

BBL Helpline


The anti-business disease that has infected most British Business Bank accredited Bounce Back Loan lenders over the last few months, that being their somewhat collective decision to stick two fingers up to those that need financial help has now spread to many local councils.

You can see this for yourself by visiting many a local council’s website and looking for information on the new tranche of Discretionary Business Grants that Rishi announced this last week.

In a nutshell, many councils have not even updated their websites with information on who qualifies for and claim those grants, some of them have decided many small business owners are not worthy of having a grant and some are claiming they have not been given guidance or the funds required to make such grants available.

Conversely some councils truly value the small business owners who live within their boundaries and are making those grants available to those who do not pay business rates, no matter which market sector they operate in, but currently those councils are in a minority.

Week thirty seven of the Bounce Back Loan scheme covered the days from the 11th of January to the 17th of January 2020, and below as usual, is a video in which you will see some of the many messages I received about that scheme, from those still experiencing problems.

Some of those problems include many people being told their loans are being snatched back by certain banks due to those banks performing “account checks” whatever that means. The usual BBL top up problems were also reported to.

As for this week’s BBL news stories, and some of the Discretionary Business Grant related problems, well take a look at the News Updates section of this website for an overview of them.

I did also get sent by the British Business Bank all FOI requests they had received along with the replies they sent out to each of them and they are up on the website too.