Subscriber Special Reports

Subscriber Special – Leaked Correspondence From Kevin Hollinrake’s Office Proves What We Already Knew, Bounce Back Loan Lenders Can Write Off Bounce Back Loans, Usually After They Claim on the Guarantee, and Allow LTD Companies to Be Struck Off When the Borrower Is Vulnerable

Here is documented proof that BBL Lenders can, although they are not mandated to, write off a Bounce Back Loan then ask the Government to lift the Strike Off Block all Ltd Companies that are heading that way are hit with, if the Lender has confirmed or even just suspects a Borrower is vulnerable. […]

Subscriber Special Reports

Subscriber Special – Here Are the Documents Many Bounce Back Loan Lenders Will Request You Fill In When They Want to Mark You As Vulnerable Sole Trader or Ltd Company Director and Tell the Government They Are Not Pursuing You for the BBL Debt, and Often Lift Any Ltd Company Strike Off Blocks

Having had their backsides slapped by the Financial Conduct Authority for not ensuring they treat vulnerable Bounce Back Loan Borrowers sympathetically, and having been told by the Government they should not pursue vulnerable BBL Borrowers if they cannot afford to repay their BBLs, Lenders are doing all they can to make sure they do not fall foul of those requests. […]

Subscriber Special Reports

Subscriber Special – What Are The Sure-Fire Signs Your Bounce Back Loan Lender Knows or Suspects, Possibly Erroneously, You Have Blagged a BBL From Them? – Read the Letters They Are Sending Out Demanding an Explanation or Demanding Their Money Back

It is true to say the rules of the Bounce Back Loan Scheme were rather confusing for many people. However, with the risk of them having their BBL Government Guarantees yanked, if a Lender suspects, or knows that you blagged a BBL from them, they will do whatever it takes to get their money back from you. […]