Sad/Hilarious News Just In – Lord Agnew is No Longer a Bounce Back Loan Bounty Hunter and Investors in That Bounty Hunting Firm Have Seen The Value of Their Shares Drop By 45% in the Last Year

You have to smile or some of you may cry, possibly with laughter when ambulance chasers get their backsides kicked, and it appears that Lord Agnew has called it a day on his Bounce Back Loan Bounty Hunting Exploits, if his recent House of Lord Register of Members Interests declarations are to be believed.

The Latest Register Declarations State

Category 2: Remunerated employment, office, profession etc.

“Advice concerning recovery of loans obtained fraudulently to Manolete plc (litigation financing) (interest ceased 30 September 2023)”.

I have asked Lord Agnew and the Bounce Back Loan Bounty Hunters, Manolete for comment, I doubt they will reply but will let you know if they do.

Also, it looks like Manolete investors are having a torrid time if news reports are anything to go by

More Information on the Bounty Hunters

Exclusive – The Entire List of Companies Wound Up in the High Court by Barclays and Just How Much Lord Agnew’s Bounce Back Loan Bounty Hunters Personally Recovered From the Directors – They Are Now Looking For More Ltd Company Directors Who Blagged the BBL Scheme, Should You Be Worried?