BBL Complaints and Outcomes

Ben Jennings The Ombudsman Gives a Rather Clear Insight Into What Santander Go Snooping Around for When Performing a Review Related to a Bounce Back Loan

As you may be aware, if you have had to endure one, Santander are making a point of delving deeply into bank accounts and questioning anybody they believe may have pulled the wool over their eyes regarding any aspect of applying for or using the funds from a Bounce Back Loan, when preforming one of their infamous “reviews”. […]

BBL Complaints and Outcomes

Customer Complains a Personal Loan Was Declined as Santander Had Factored in a Bounce Back Loan Owed by a Company He Is No Longer Associated With – Ombudsman Doesn’t Uphold Complaint

Whilst this complaint was not upheld, the dates shown on the case outcome and when it was submitted, does give you some idea of just how long its takes the Ombudsman to determine an outcome of BBL related cases and how banks such as Santander have screwed things up for some of their customers by not keeping correct records.. […]

BBL Complaints and Outcomes

Ombudsman Takes 20 Months to Decide Not to Uphold a Complaint Regarding a Declined Santander Bounce Back Loan Application as They Say The Lenders Could Demand to Ask for Proof of Turnover Even Though It Was Self-Declared

If you need proof of just how pathetically slow the Financial Ombudsman Service can be regarding Bounce Back Loan complaints, then take a look at this one, which ultimately they decided not to uphold by trotting out the usual excuses. […]