BBL Complaints and Outcomes

Barclays Demanded a Tax Return to Process a Customers BBL Application He Tells the Ombudsman Look It Doesn’t Say That on the British Business Bank Website, Tough Says The Ombudsman They Don’t List All of the Rules and Doesn’t Uphold His Complaint

Here we go again, as you will see in this complaint it is another case of the Ombudsman stating the British Business Bank website was not to be relied upon for factual Bounce Back Loan Scheme related rules, and ultimately does not uphold a Barclays BBL related complaint. […]

BBL Complaints and Outcomes
BBL Complaints and Outcomes

NatWest Took 5 Weeks and nearly 6 Weeks to Decline a Customers Two Account and BBL Applications an Ombudsman States There Was Still 5 and 2 Days Left Respectively for Him to Apply to Another Lender Before the BBL Scheme Closed and Be Happy with the £350 They Offered as Compensation!

Another complaint that the Ombudsman has upheld regarding a Bounce Back Loan, and one in which they award the exact amount of cash as compensation the bank, NatWest offered to the customer in the first place. […]