Struggling to Open a Business Bank Account

BBL Helpline


Hello again, needing a bit of advice as Im all out of ideas,

On starling waiting list to apply for loan since May 24th, declined HSBC feeder, and Yorkshire business accounts, due to credit check. Waiting on Clydesdale and coop for opening business account but I’m not hopeful due to the previous knock backs.

I currently use Cashplus who are not yet accredited for bbl’s and my personal account is with bank of Scotland but I can’t open business account as I’m a ltd co. and they are only allowing sole traders who use personal account for their business. Help

Note: Many people are struggling to open a bank account with an accredited lender, you should try and find out why you are being declined as there may be a mismatch on what your credit file says and what you have told the bank.