Still Debating Whether to Legally Challenge Your Bounce Back Loan? If You Are in London Tomorrow the 17th Of November Then Come Along to The EUA Campaign Event to Learn More

BBL Helpline


Just a quick reminder that tomorrow the 17th of November the EUA Campaign are holding another event in London, and Wasif Mahmood the Lead Lawyer from Back British Business will be there giving a speech and once he has done so he will be available to chat to anyone who has any questions about challenging their Bounce Back Loan.

I will also be there mingling with the speakers and everyone else, so will of course be taking notes and will report everything once I return, for those of you unable to attend the event.

Like a magical sign from up above, it looks like the weather will be reasonable for November too, so if you are debating making an appearance please do so and show your support.

You will find more about the event on the following link along with details of some of the speakers who will be there: