Spat my Cornflakes Out When I Saw Barclays Had Paid

BBL Helpline


Barclays is still messing me around – still no BBLS. Now saying we need to do KYC again (did that last week).

We have escalated our complaints, even got my MP involved but now need a plan B. All the banks have BBLS issues but do you have a view as to which is best for quickly opening a new business account & then applying for BBLS? Clearly not the newer online banks as they have proved awful & not the mysterious ‘feeder account’ from HSBC.

Wow, Sunday morning and 21 days since BBLS was launched our Barclays BBLS showed up in our account this morning.

It has been more painful and stressful than it ever needed to be or was intended to be. Denied access to the application form, initially as it appeared our account wasn’t in fact a business account despite 28 yrs of business banking charges, KYC reviews, hours on hold to Barclays, told it was a problem in India, support phone numbers posted in online banking portal that rang unobtainable,  txts promising call backs that never happened, strange interactions with @BarclaysUKHelp but we made it!

Thank you for being with us on the journey @Bounce_BackLoan whoever you are. I know the saga is ongoing for many. Fingers crossed for more successful outcomes. P.S. I think getting support from our local MP also helped when we were able to copy him in on our complaint emails.

I spat my cornflakes out over the desk in my study when I logged in on the off chance and saw it there.